The strong bond of Lavender, Jojoba and Argan
Hello folks ! Waiting again for something interesting to
hear .. right ??
Okayy .. so, today I will tell you a tale about three old
friends - Lavender, Argan and Jojoba. Funny names .. right ?? Yeah. So, these
three were like reaallly good friends and inseparable too. It was for a greater
cause that they came across to be friends. The cause to help us humans to get
rid of various issue related to hair and skin. It was one fine day when the three
of them realized that they were sent to this world with some purpose. While
travelling together, they realized that though mankind is powerful and can
juggle with all sorts of work but, somewhere and in some places they lack and
are not sure how to cope up with such issues.
Issues like hair and skin care !!! So, these three together
thought .. why not help the human race so that they can function better ??
Lavender always knew about her antiseptic and anti-fungal
properties. She recollected when long back, someone had taken a handful of
lavender for treating acne and wrinkles. Later, she also came to know that she
can also treat psoriasis and other inflammations. That's when she stood up and
decided that it's time to be serious.
Jojoba, the wiser one has been a regular in the time of help
regarding skin as well as hair. Everyone preferred Jojoba to be around to help
relieve skin dryness, hair conditioning or applying after make-up removal. What
else ? Jojoba was always around, even after bath .. for getting a smooth skin
without leaving an oily residue.
Argan on the other hand was quite sought after by the
ladies. You know .. how girls spend sooo much cash for getting shiny and
lustrous hair. Argan always helped with that ... from preventing frizzy hair to
curing split-ends and helping hair to be manageable and silky .. everything
!!!! And just not this .. Argan has proved beneficial for both oily and dry
skin. Used as a daily moisturizer, Argan helps the skin cells to function
properly as well as regenerate.
But, they wondered .. how they together can be of use to you
??? That's when they met with one of our Soulflower chefs and tinggg !! The sun
peeped from behind the clouds and everything just fell in place !! Our chef had
been looking out for something of this sort taking into account the growing
problems of hair and skin . Annnd .. the solution stood in the form of these
three .. Lavender, Argan and Jojoba !! Extremely happy to meet each other, they discussed about the various ways to
solve such issues ... and our chef suggested that ' Let be oils made from you
three '.
And that's how Soulflower Lavender Pure Essential Oil,
Jojoba Pure Natural Carrier Oil and Argan Pure Natural Carrier Oil came into
existence in our shelves.
immerse yourself in
the beautiful smell of lavender
Jojoba Pure Natural
Carrier Oil
Argan Pure Natural
Carrier Oil
Arriving in Soulflower, they were surprised to see so many
others and immediately bonded with each other. Along with co-ordinating amongst
each other .. i.e., the three of them .. Jojoba found out that blending with 2-3
drops of Tea Tree Essential Oil will reduce hair fall and also control dandruff.
Argan feeling a little left behind came to know that our Bergamot Pure Essential Oil
when mixed can also reduce hair fall and control dandruff. Lavender is solely
responsible for treating depression and relaxing your mind but if, combined
with 8 - 10 drops of Jojoba Pure Natural Carrier Oil in your bath water gives
better results in relaxing you mind, body and soul.
And just like this, they have remained together till now and
working wonders. So, if you want to test their bond of friendship, then just
take a look at this ..
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