Natural Haircare for Men(PART 1)

Frizzy hair, brittle hair, hair loss, bad hair growth and oily scalps are frequent hair problems in men. There is a need to indulge in home remedies to pamper you tresses to improve hair growth. Here we list out a few simple home remedies that men can use for luscious healthy hair.

Oil Massage: Massaging hair with oils replenishes hair-nutrition. Besides, it reverses the effect of serious damage to your hair. Oils such as almond, olive and coconut are ideal for hair massage twice a week.

Coconut Milk: Coconut milk nourishes hair and encourages growth. Furthermore, it helps make hair soft.

Aloe Vera: If you want to add sheen or strengthen your hair, massage aloe gel to the scalp. Massaging twice a week with aloe vera will prevent hair loss, repairs dry hair or infected scalp.

Neem Paste: The therapeutic neem paste will help restore alkaline balance of the scalp and preventing hair fall. To make it better, one can add honey and olive oil to the paste.

Egg: Protein treatment is elementary to hair care. If you want to have stronger and thicker hair, try protein treatment three to four times a week. All you have to do is beat a raw egg and apply to your wet hair. Wash hair with lukewarm water after 15 minutes.


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