Soulflower at the RLS 2015

We feel proud in sharing this news with you that Soulflower had been a part of the RLS i.e., Retail Leadership Summit 2015 which had taken place in Renaissance Powai. Spread over 2 days i.e., the 10th and 11th of this month, RLS had attracted a wide lot of retailers, dignitaries and industrialists from all over India.

Soulflower created quite an impact on the people all around. They were actually mesmerized by the aroma which travelled throughout the place from the entrance to every room they stepped into. Our aim is to basically aromatize your property starting from your home, office, banks, restaurants or any place you well connect with. Someone visiting our store commented that " I felt as if I am walking by some shop in Paris ". That was some comment.

Here's a sneak peek into some of the moments captured during the event.

Soulflower store at the RLS 2015 at Renaissance Powai

Potpourri kept on display

People taking in the aroma of essential oils and potpourri

aromatizing with our Soulflower Rose Potpourri

soaps on display at RLS 2015

Honourable Minister and Member of the Parliament Rajiv Pratap Rudy at RLS 2015

People also did appreciate the way of representing our products saying that we truly go by our tagline ' Aroma For Every Mood ' . The whole style and stylization of our products and store did speak a lot about being natural and how much we stress on using fresh and organic ingredients for our products. We also provided our visitors with a free aroma sample of rose, jasmine or lavender.

All in all, the event was a success and Soulflower did create an impact with the aim of ' Aromatizing your property '.


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