For that special woman in your life

I know ! Women's Day is on 8th March ! But, just a day, a single day wouldn't suffice to pay our tribute in return for the unparalleled ways a woman has been serving. It's just inexplicable. Here, I am reminded of Marilyn Monroe's quote " Give a girl the right shoes, and she can conquer the world ". These quotes somehow have owned a place on Facebook statuses, but, that's all. True, woman in today's world has surely climbed up the literacy ladder with leading some of the biggest companies in the world or taking an active interest in politics and many more such areas. But, it is also true, that in many parts of the world, women still lay in the dark, behind the curtains, ignorant and uninformed. Here, I would not like to stress on anything as such. But, we can surely make a difference. Why not start from your home ??

You all must have that ' one woman ' in your life who has in every way inspired you for the good. She can be your grandmother, mother, sister, friend, wife, teacher - anyone. Important fact is that, they have transformed your life or say, egged you on to do something better and without them, life would not have been the same. Without a woman, a home is never a home. Just like she organizes her wardrobe, similarly, she will organize your life. It's quite a common sight of women seen juggling with their personal and professional life - and that too gracefully. They will complain, but, also come out with a solution. They will cry, but, at the same time will crack the most hilarious joke on earth.

Treat a girl like a queen, and you will be the emperor

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you just need to extend your hand, a woman will give you her life

So, if you have that ' one woman ' in your life, take some time out for them to let them know how much they she means to you. Extend your hand as she has sacrificed everything to make you smile. Listen to all her drama and lastly, don't mind waiting if she is taking a little extra time to just look beautiful.

Dedicated to y'all ladies ! Pull your chin up, you truly are a Wonder Woman !!


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