An apple a day keeps all your wrinkles away

Who doesn't know about the benefits of apple ?? I am sure, everyone does !!

First of all it boasts of antioxidant properties. Anti-oxidants are mainly disease fighting compounds. These compounds help in preventing and repairing oxidation damage that happens during normal cell activity.

The Apple story !

- Apples are high in potassium, a mineral that helps control blood pressure, they can help reduce the risk of stroke,

- With high fibre content known as pectin, a soluble fibre, it prevents cholesterol from building up in the lining of blood vessel walls, thus reducing the risk of atherosclerosis and heart disease,

- They are also an anti-aging tool as apples reduces wrinkles, fine lines and ohhh .. quite effective in fighting off acne too !!!

So, a younger looking blemish free skin !!!

Well, we use apples in our soaps too !

A for Anti-Aging Soap !

A for Anti-Aging Soap 

It contains apples, mangosteen powder and olives.

You already know what apples are for. As for mangosteen, it has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties which counteract free radicals and prevent cell damage that hampers the process of cell degeneration.

Olives remove stretch marks which makes your skin look smoother and more radiant.

Apples do a lot more than they are known for 

Stay young ! Look Young !


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