Know Your Hair And Then Choose Your Hair Oil

Oiling hair routinely is the most important tool for all hair problems. ‘Champi’ or head massage has been followed since generations through the way of applying has evolved with time. Even today your hair needs the same. Moroccan Argan Oil, Tea tree oil, Jojoba or Olive oil are rich in Vitamin E and balances the ph level of the scalp. Oil massage also increases blood circulation in your scalp and helps your strands retain strength and shine but to get the benefits oiling hair the right way is necessary.

Now, though the method of applying oil remains same various hair and scalp types need different and specific hair care. Now get to know which care is perfect for your hair type.



NORMAL HAIR                                                                                                      
Neither dry nor oily, this type of hair doesn’t create hair issues than other hair types. It is perfect to hold style and shine. But to maintain its health and strength some recommended oils are Jojoba Oil, Avocado Oil or Amla Oil.

Dry Hair

Sebum hydrates your scalp, but in case of dry hair, it suggests the sebum is not working properly. White, powdery flakes are the signs of you having a dry scalp. This type of hair is difficult to comb and it looks like frizzy straw. With a drab and unhealthy look, dry scalp causes itchiness, dandruff, severe hair loss. Your strands are dull and break easily as it’s fragile without the moisture. Oils such as coconut, Sesame Oil, almond, and jojoba stimulate hair follicles, help in retaining natural moisture and condition your brittle, dried out locks giving you gorgeous healthy hair.

Oily Hair

Have you ever noticed your hair becoming greasy by the evening even after a morning hair wash? If yes, then you might have oily hair. Oily hair looks shiny but never looks clean and fresh. Greasy hair is caused due to the over secretion of sebum from your hair follicles. So to bring back the balance of sebum glands oils like sesame, olive or jojoba work wonder.

So, oil massage on scalp and hair is undoubtedly important when it follows the right oil and the proper method to apply it.  Besides adding strength and shine to your hair it also relaxes your mind, helps with a headache by improving circulation into the scalp. The oil acts as a shield on your scalp and hair to protect from the harsh environment. It increases volume too and with all its roundabout benefits it is called as grandma’s treatment.
So, when the plan is with you, following that is necessary. Oil your hair regularly and feel the change on your own.


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