6 Daily Hair Routine That Damage Your Hair
Why do we buy or use any hair care product or hair styling tool? Yes, because we think these particular products or tools will perform the magic and help us meet our expectation of lustrous hair.
Sorry guys, but unfortunately the case is not always the same.
Whether, we are looking for hair shine, hair volume, straight hair, curly hair, dandruff, hair growth or hair loss solutions, we spend a king’s ransom every year to try out new products available in the market. And, without any doubt, our markets are flooded with a countless number of products to address such many hair concerns that we have.
So, you have many solutions for your hair care. Then what’s causing your hair to get damaged more? There must be something wrong, right? The mess is caused by your hair care routine. Improper hair care regime does more harm than doing well. Is this new to you? Not an issue. You still have a chance to reverse the game. Stop committing those mistakes and bring back life to your hair. Get an absolute daily hair care routine that will prevent any further damage to your crowning glory.
Are you all set to kick off some bad habits you have? Let us help you.
But, the coin has its other side too. Now, what about oily scalp? Or if you’re involved in sweat creating activities like sports or daily work out? Here, the rule is not the same. In that case, we suggest you rinse your hair only with water and condition hair tips only.
As a primary need, your comb or hairbrush should be clean and free of hair pile. Mucky brushes are hotbeds for germs and bacteria. Cleaning hairs from your brush every day after combing and deep cleaning it once a month are mandatory to prevent hair damage.
Here’s one comb cleaning tip for you: Mix 1 tablespoon of baking soda into a bowl of water and dip your comb into it for half an hour. Rinse with normal water. This will effectively remove oil and dirt.
This is one point that many people are guilty of, for sure!
Wet strands need more care than dry strands. Cuticles of wet hair are delicate and combing wet hair can easily lift cuticle scales causing hair fall and breakage. It needs more careful hands. Instead of brushing wet hair to detangle, combing it before a shower is more suggestive.
It’s better if you can use a wide-toothed comb through your damp or wet hair and a brush on dry hair. Start detangling from the bottom of the strands and not from the roots to avoid damage.
Rough use of towel after the shower or regular use of caps make a fair contribution to give you a frizzy, rough hair with split ends. Using alternatives to a towel (paper towel)in daily life might be not possible, but we can certainly be gentle enough in whatever you do.
Hair styling tools are sadly not made to give you long-term favors. It can only style your hair for short-term and damage your hair at the same time.
Heating hair styling tools such as dryers, straighteners, and curlers often burn off your strands. Not only drying out your hair, it often leads to hair thinning and split ends. For a damage-free hair keeping these tools away is the best option possible. But if you must use those tools, avoid higher temperature (almost all heating tools have adjustable temperature settings). Also, you must not forget using a heat protectant. You need to care enough in choosing such protectors as well. Choose products free from SD alcohol. This dries out your hair and makes your scalp incapable of producing natural moisture.
So are these points come from your guilt list? If yes, share them in the comments section and let us know what change you are following in your daily hair care regime.
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