Did you get your own COOTIE CATCHER yet ??

Must be wondering how ??

Let me tell you, how it all began ! One fine day, while everyone was engrossed into work and yeah .. a little bored too, SoulflowerGirl came up with this brilliant idea. Well, ideas keep on crowding her mind. But, I guess, even she was bored !! BORED !!

With her child like enthusiasm, she all of a sudden tells us .. why don't we make a Cootie Catcher ?? And, everyone was like .. WHHAAT ?? Well, she got all the more excited as she had been given a chance to demonstrate. So, she showed us how to make it. Remember childhood ?? Annnd, even we got excited too. Quickly... actually, not thaaaat quickly, but, yeah .. we looked up for designs, thought a lot, sketched, scratched our heads and FINALLY came up with a beaaauuutiful design for your very own Cootie Catcher.

Oh yes !! They are made ... specially, just for you ! Play with them. Keep them. But, we have made sure, that we stay with you forever.

Want to see ?? So, here is your Cootie Catcher. You can get it from any Soulflower Store at Shoppers Stop.

get your own Cootie Catcher !

SoulflowerGirl ... all excited about her own Cootie Catcher !


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