I have been coming across a lot of people suffering from itchiness,dryness of skin,raw skin.
There are young children, older people, men women spread across the whole country facing this problem.

We do make natural products that help to alleviate and in some cases the symptoms have vanished altogether.

We had a recent customer in Vishakapatnam who was gifted Soulflower BASIL soap by a friend of his. He suffered from severe Eczema & after using the soap, he felt a lot of relief.
In fact he bought 80 soaps from us! A year full of supply :)

Eczema is usually aggravated by stress & nervous tension.
The symptoms of red, itchy, flaky skin are similar to allergic reactions & dermatitis.

Aromatherapy massage helps relieve stress & tension, TEATREE massage oil is Anti-fungal, anti-septic and anti-bacterial & helps fight skin problems like acne, fungus & eczema.

Take regular baths with GERANIUM or LAVENDER essential oil using about 5 drops mixed with a little EVENING PRIMROSE oil.

Bathe with a natural oil based soap like BASIL soap which is gentle & full of moisturizing qualities to soothe inflamed skin.

Use a body lotion like Soulflower LAVENDER body milk on the affected area.

By using natural vegetarian skin products, you will surely feel the relief and your skin will definately be much much better........


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